Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I think the same sex marriage can be legal in many states because everyone has the right to love who ever they want no matter what sex they are. In my mined keeps goin around what happend to the rights of people they are humans too and have a heart so they need to be axcepted how ever they are no matter  how diffrent they are.


Hi, im Liliana Reyes im Hispanic and im blogging for a sociology class. I'm 16 years old and attend to A. Maceo Smith High School in Dallas Tx. i'm the third child out of four, three girls and one boy.

My opinon on abortion

In my opinion abortion is not good because god gave you your life and he can taker it away not you. The babys have the right to live too not just cause its your body dont mean you can abort, I would support abortion only if its for the womans that have the risk of dying her or the baby, or both.